Fabulous 1-Bdrm On High Floor W/Fantastic Unobstructed Views Of City & Park. Wood Flrs In Lr/Dr, Modern Kit & Bthrm. Prkng Incl & Large Private Storage Rm (60 Sq Ft) W/ 2 Access Doors & Adjacent To Prkng Spot & Elevator Ent ($12,000 From Builder).
부동산 특징
- 등록 날짜: Tuesday, May 31, 2005
- 도시: Toronto
- 이웃/동네: Moss Park
- Major Intersection: Richmond/Sherbourne
- 전체 주소: 1410-255 Richmond Street E, Toronto, M5A 4T, Ontario, Canada
- 리스팅 중개사: Homelife/Cimerman Real Estate Limited, Broker - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Homelife/Cimerman Real Estate Limited, Broker and should be verified by the buyer.