Bright And Beautiful 3 Bed Solid Brick Detached House On A Wide 32.71Ft Lot Featuring 2 Wc's, Garage, Private Drive, Real Hardwood, & 7.5Ft High Finished Basement.This Well Maintained Family Owned Home Has Great Flow Throughout And Blends Original Character With Modern Design With Improvements And Renovations Throughout Including; Windows, Doors, Wiring, Plumbing, Gas Fire In Living Room, Ac, Modern Kitchen And More.

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 1173 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, M4K2S8, Ontario, Canada
  • 거실: Hardwood Floor, Fireplace, Wood Floor
  • 주방: Combined W/Dining, Modern Kitchen, Wood Floor
  • 리스팅 중개사: Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc., Brokerage - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc., Brokerage and should be verified by the buyer.

거주 18 x 11 ft 198 sq ft
식당 10 x 10 ft 100 sq ft
주방 16 x 9 ft 144 sq ft
Master 12 x 11 ft 132 sq ft
침실 11 x 9 ft 99 sq ft
침실 11 x 9 ft 99 sq ft
레크 18 x 10 ft 180 sq ft
Workshop 18 x 11 ft 198 sq ft

