This beloved home, nestled in the heart of the Bendale neighbourhood, has been cherished by only one family since 1960. Brimming with warmth and treasured memories, it eagerly awaits the laughter and joy and love of a new family. Surrounded by lush parks, top-notch schools, easy transit access, YMCA and the bustling Town Centre, this tranquil abode seamlessly blends serenity with convenience. Immerse yourself in the charm of this quiet, picturesque community and embark on a journey of creating unforgettable memories. Situated on a spacious lot featuring a separate side entrance, the possibilities are endless to customize this home to perfectly suit your family's needs. Welcome home to 71 Brimorton!

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 71 Brimorton Drive, Toronto, M1P 3Z4, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: Eat-In Kitchen, Laminate
  • 거실: Broadloom, Picture Window
  • 리스팅 중개사: Right At Home Realty - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Right At Home Realty and should be verified by the buyer.

주방 11 x 11 ft 121 sq ft
거주 15 x 21 ft 315 sq ft
식당 8 x 7 ft 56 sq ft
주 침실 10 x 14 ft 140 sq ft
2번째 침실 10 x 11 ft 110 sq ft
3번째 침실 11 x 9 ft 99 sq ft
Bathroom 7 x 7 ft 49 sq ft
레크 24 x 13 ft 312 sq ft
세탁실 11 x 15 ft 165 sq ft
Workshop 12 x 12 ft 144 sq ft
Bathroom 4 x 7 ft 28 sq ft

