Watch Beautiful Sunshines And Breathttaking View From This Bright And Spacious S U B*P E N T H O U S E Corner Suite.1322Sf:Split Bedrooms;Wrap Around Windows;Attractive Rich Grain Parquet Floors In Lr/Dr;2 Side By Side Parking Spaces & A Locker;Large Laundry Room Can Be Used For Storage**Luxurious Amenities Include Indoor/Outdoor Pools,Media Room,Car Wash,Squash/Racquet/Tennis Courts,Hobby Room And More.Elegant And Inviting Lobby*Walking Distance To Yonge St.
부동산 특징
- 등록 날짜: Monday, May 27, 2013
- 도시: Richmond Hill
- 이웃/동네: Harding
- Major Intersection: Yonge/Clarissa
- 전체 주소: 1218-32 Clarissa Drive, Richmond Hill, L4C9R7, Ontario, Canada
- 리스팅 중개사: Homelife/Bayview Realty Inc., Brokerage - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Homelife/Bayview Realty Inc., Brokerage and should be verified by the buyer.