Professional Finished New Apt With Over 1000 Sqft Living Space. Gorgeous & Spacious Two Large Bdms, Separate Ensuite Laundry, Separate Private Entrance! A Beautiful Kitchen W/ Ss Appliances. Fully Located On A Quiet Street Close To Transit And Best School Area! 1 Driveway Parking Included.
부동산 특징
- 등록 날짜: Friday, July 07, 2023
- 도시: Richmond Hill
- 이웃/동네: Devonsleigh
- Major Intersection: Yonge / Elgin Mills
- 전체 주소: 60 Viewmark Drive, Richmond Hill, L4S 1E6, Ontario, Canada
- 리스팅 중개사: Homelife New World Realty Inc. - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Homelife New World Realty Inc. and should be verified by the buyer.