Inclusions: B/I Dishwasher, Elec Gdo & Remote, All Elfs, All Blinds & Window Exclusions: Trampoline

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 424 Brookmill Road, Oakville, L6J 6B, Ford, Canada
  • 거실: Ground
  • 주방: Ground
  • 리스팅 중개사: Sutton Group - People And Prope - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Sutton Group - People And Prope and should be verified by the buyer.

거주 18 x 14 ft 252 sq ft
식당 11 x 10 ft 110 sq ft
주방 15 x 11 ft 165 sq ft
Master 14 x 13 ft 182 sq ft
침실 14 x 12 ft 168 sq ft
침실 12 x 9 ft 108 sq ft
침실 13 x 13 ft 169 sq ft
레크 27 x 14 ft 378 sq ft

