1+1 Bedroom Condo in heart of Mississauga Open concept Stunning view. Including indoor running track, Basketball and Squash courts, Indoor Volleyball, an indoor/outdoor pool with hot tubs and Sauna, Gym, Cardio Room, Car Wash, Bbq Terrace, Movie Theatre, Party Room, multiple Guest Suites and Visitor Parking.24 Hours security
부동산 특징
- 등록 날짜: Friday, November 08, 2024
- 가상 투어: View Virtual Tour for 3206-80 ABSOLUTE Avenue
- 도시: Mississauga
- 전체 주소: 3206-80 ABSOLUTE Avenue, Mississauga, L4Z 0A5, Ontario, Canada
- 리스팅 중개사: B2b Realty Inc. - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by B2b Realty Inc. and should be verified by the buyer.