Welcome to 3356 Burdock Place admiringly located In the City Centre In the heart of sought-after Mississauga Downtown.Let me say something about the beauty of this house lay-out.This semi-detached home offers multiple level of floors with a good size living rm, high ceiling w/ a bonus of direct access to w/o yard ,excellent way to maximize natural lights.The outdoor space may be used for various purposes, such as gardening, outdoor dining, relaxation, or entertaining guests. An Over looking dining area allow for better interaction between different areas of the home. It can create a sense of openness and connectivity, making the living space feel more dynamic and engaging. Additionally, it has a Direct access to garage from basement. See behind the clutters!! envision the beauty of this home and prepare to make it more appealing base on your liking, showcase the property's best features and functionality, create a welcoming atmosphere and enhance the flow of a space.

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 3356 Burdock Place, Mississauga, L5A 4B7, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: Window, Double Sink, Combined W/Dining
  • 거실: W/O To Yard, Casement Windows, Hardwood Floor
  • 리스팅 중개사: Right At Home Realty - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Right At Home Realty and should be verified by the buyer.

주방 10 x 8 ft 80 sq ft
식당 13 x 10 ft 130 sq ft
거주 17 x 11 ft 187 sq ft
주 침실 14 x 10 ft 140 sq ft
2번째 침실 11 x 8 ft 88 sq ft
3번째 침실 10 x 9 ft 90 sq ft
레크 17 x 9 ft 153 sq ft

