Attn. First-time buyers or Retirees: Immaculate 3br. 3 bath, with attached 2 car garage on an oversized private fully fenced backyard. Bright, open concept bungalow with over 3000 sq ft of finished living space., 9ft ceilings on main floor. Nothing to do but move in. Minutes to Red Hill, Linc. shopping, schools and transportation. Recent renovations include Sump Pump 23, AC 21, Shingles 20, kitchen, bath.

부동산 특징

  • Major Intersection: Kingsview Dr - Davis Cres
  • 전체 주소: 63 Davis Crescent, Hamilton, L8J 3X5, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: Main
  • 리스팅 중개사: Re/Max Escarpment Golfi Realty Inc. - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Re/Max Escarpment Golfi Realty Inc. and should be verified by the buyer.

식당 16 x 11 ft 176 sq ft
주방 11 x 11 ft 121 sq ft
식당 12 x 15 ft 180 sq ft
주 침실 15 x 13 ft 195 sq ft
침실 15 x 9 ft 135 sq ft
침실 11 x 15 ft 165 sq ft
레크 25 x 23 ft 575 sq ft

