Nestled in the peaceful East end of Guelph, 5 Marshall Dr offers a serene escape while maintaining easy access to the city's amenities. This delightful home sits in a quiet neighbourhood, perfect for those seeking a tranquil atmosphere. Boasting three bedrooms and three bathrooms, this home provides ample space for a comfortable lifestyle. With convenient public transportation nearby and parking for up to three cars, it effortlessly combines accessibility and privacy. Don't miss the chance to make 5 Marshall Dr your peaceful retreat in East Guelph.

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 5 Marshall Drive, Guelph, N1E 0M9, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: Main
  • 거실: Main
  • 리스팅 중개사: Trilliumwest Real Estate - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Trilliumwest Real Estate and should be verified by the buyer.

Bathroom 5 x 5 ft 25 sq ft
식당 6 x 12 ft 72 sq ft
현관 6 x 10 ft 60 sq ft
주방 13 x 11 ft 143 sq ft
거주 13 x 12 ft 156 sq ft
Bathroom 6 x 7 ft 42 sq ft
Bathroom 8 x 5 ft 40 sq ft
침실 10 x 16 ft 160 sq ft
침실 9 x 18 ft 162 sq ft
주 침실 12 x 12 ft 144 sq ft

