부동산 특징

  • 등록 날짜: Tuesday, November 06, 1984
  • 도시: London
  • 이웃/동네: East G
  • 전체 주소: 710 Adelaide Street N, London, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: Main
  • 리스팅 중개사: The Canada Trust Company - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by The Canada Trust Company and should be verified by the buyer.

10 x 13 ft 130 sq ft
15 x 10 ft 150 sq ft
주방 10 x 13 ft 130 sq ft
8 x 7 ft 56 sq ft
12 x 17 ft 204 sq ft
11 x 8 ft 88 sq ft

