Affordable, spacious & comfortable. Features include; private & landscaped yard, 4 Season verandah. Chefs kitchen with trendy illumination, formal dining room & adjacent living room. Main floor laundry.

부동산 특징

  • 등록 날짜: Thursday, September 04, 2008
  • 도시: St. Thomas
  • 이웃/동네: NW
  • 전체 주소: 18 Woodworth Avenue, St. Thomas, N5P 3J4, Ontario, Canada
  • 거실: Main
  • 리스팅 중개사: Dan Spasic; Brokerage - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Dan Spasic; Brokerage and should be verified by the buyer.

거주 24 x 14 ft 336 sq ft
식당 14 x 12 ft 168 sq ft
침실 14 x 10 ft 140 sq ft
침실 12 x 10 ft 120 sq ft
세탁실 7 x 5 ft 35 sq ft
주 침실 21 x 16 ft 336 sq ft

