4 Bedroom plus 3 washroom, separate main floor laundry. Fully renovated with a new kitchen, new vinyl flooring and new washrooms is available for rent immediately. The upper portion of the home with a portion of the basement is available for rent. High speed internet and fabric optics is available. Heated 3 car garage/ work shop of approximately 850 plus sqft is also available for rent

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 5632 Sixth Line, Erin, N0B 1Z0, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: B/I Dishwasher, O/Looks Dining
  • 거실: Fireplace
  • 가족실: Fireplace
  • 리스팅 중개사: Royal Lepage Flower City Realty - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Royal Lepage Flower City Realty and should be verified by the buyer.

주방 12 x 12 ft 144 sq ft
거주 28 x 21 ft 588 sq ft
가족 20 x 18 ft 360 sq ft
주 침실 13 x 12 ft 156 sq ft
2번째 침실 12 x 12 ft 144 sq ft
3번째 침실 13 x 13 ft 169 sq ft
4번째 침실 10 x 11 ft 110 sq ft
Bathroom 7 x 7 ft 49 sq ft
식당 15 x 18 ft 270 sq ft
세탁실 13 x 7 ft 91 sq ft
Bathroom 7 x 10 ft 70 sq ft
Bathroom 5 x 8 ft 40 sq ft

