Spectacular Detached Home Located South Of Queen! Perfectly Located With A Short Stroll To The Water,All The Activity On Queen & Public Green Space Across the street . Rare listing...walk to the lake , fully renovated top to bottom . Thousands spent on upgrades , hardwood floors top to bottom ..... own backyard with Sunroom to enjoy 4 seasons long . Lake Ontario steps away , in vicinity of Multi million $ Homes , see it to believe it

부동산 특징

  • 전체 주소: 26 Nursewood Road, Toronto, M4E 3R8, Ontario, Canada
  • 거실: Fireplace, Hardwood Floor
  • 주방: Ceramic Floor, B/I Appliances, B/I Shelves
  • 리스팅 중개사: Save Max Regal Realty - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Save Max Regal Realty and should be verified by the buyer.

현관 9 x 6 ft 54 sq ft
거주 17 x 12 ft 204 sq ft
식당 14 x 10 ft 140 sq ft
Sunroom 12 x 8 ft 96 sq ft
주방 13 x 8 ft 104 sq ft
주 침실 15 x 11 ft 165 sq ft
2번째 침실 10 x 10 ft 100 sq ft
3번째 침실 10 x 8 ft 80 sq ft
레크 17 x 16 ft 272 sq ft

