Brand New Freehold Double garage 4B4B Townhouse In most Desirable Community in Markham Victoria Square.This Home Has 2 suite room, One suite is at first floor, good for old parents/grandparents and 2 spacious balconies, you can enjoy dinner /night with friend there*Close To Hwy 404, Costco And Home Depot, High Ranked Richmond Green Ss, Parks, Trails, Sports Centre & Transit!

부동산 특징

  • Major Intersection: Woodbine/Elgin Mills Rd
  • 전체 주소: 117 Thomas Frisby Jr. Crescent, Markham, L6C 3L2, Ontario, Canada
  • 주방: Breakfast Bar, Backsplash
  • 리스팅 중개사: Hc Realty Group Inc. - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Hc Realty Group Inc. and should be verified by the buyer.

